How long will it take?
There is no difinitive answer, everyone learns in their own way. On average it's around 45 hours in the car with an instructor plus 20 hours with private practice from a friend or family member, this relates to roughly 6 months with weekly 2 hour lessons. This is a national average. Some people may take longer, some people may whizz through. Everyone learns differently so it is important not to put too much pressure on yourself to get through as quickly as possible.
Booking Tests
Ahhh! The dreaded "T" word, but no worries, you only need to think about the practical test when you have agreed with your instructor that you are ready. You MUST pass your theory test before you can book a practical test.
Link to book the Theory Test can be found here:
Link to book the Practical Test can be found here:
This video will help with what to expect on the test:
Show Me Tell Me Questions
You’ll be asked 2 vehicle safety questions during your car driving test.
The examiner will ask you one:
‘tell me’ question (where you explain how you’d carry out a safety task) at the start of your test, before you start driving
‘show me’ question (where you show how you’d carry out a safety task) while you’re driving
You’ll get one driving fault (sometimes called a ‘minor’) if you get one or both questions wrong.
You’ll fail your driving test if your driving is dangerous or potentially dangerous while you answer the ‘show me’ question.
Here is the link required:
There is a video on each to look at and we'd go through all the "Show Me" questions in the car leading up to test day.
Theory Test Apps
Plenty of options out there, these are the 2 which I recommend:
Official DVSA App (£4.99) :
4 in 1 Test Kit (£4.99) :
If you feel you are ready to take your practical test, check this page out to make sure you tick all the boxes: